Erin Andrew’s “Perphole Paparazzi” Arrested Friday

erin andrewsMichael David Barrett, 47, of Westmont, Ill., was arrested Friday in Chicago for allegedly attempting to sell nude videos of Erin Andrews. Mr. Barrett shot the videos with his cell phone while staying at the Marriott Nashville at Vanderbilt University in an adjacent room, a room that he apparently requested and got from the hotel management.  According to an AP report, the peephole had been altered by a hacksaw so that a cell phone camera could be used.

According to Rick Beuke, Mr. Peephole’s lawyer, several friends (30) have asked if there is anything they can do to help, citing that they have never seen this side of him.

“He’s as regular a guy as you’ll ever meet — a great friend,” Beuke added.

According to an article from the Chicago Tribune, Mr. Peephole lived in a quiet gated community with another woman. They had put the house up for sale recently. No one could be found for further comment. His neighbors seemed surprised, describing him as a “quiet man”; does that mean he’s a serial killer too? Because we all know that quiet men who live in gated communities are all serial killers.

So I’m sitting here reading this article and I’m thinking, “regular guy”, I’m a regular guy and I have never stalked a famous person, acquired an adjacent hotel room, hack sawed their door peephole so that I can illegally video tape them naked in order to sale said video to countless magazines and news agencies. OK, maybe I have thought about it, but to actually do it is another thing. (I actually have never thought about it, for the record, looking around for the FBI)

Is this the economy coming back to bite us yet again? Can we somehow blame this on President Obama or al Qaeda? Surely you don’t think that this is just a random guy who decided one Friday afternoon that while he was in town selling insurance that he would also video tape a sports reporter and augment his income a little with it. Well, maybe on a Saturday evening after a few “brewskies” at Hooters, but not a Friday afternoon.

Now Ms. Andrews has been making the “talk show” rounds talking about her story. (Can’t wait for her show with David Letterman) On “The Oprah Winfrey Show” last month (her alleged first and last interview on the topic), she said that she thought her career was over after the nude videos were released. (I think not, of course I haven’t seen them, maybe she’s horribly disfigured or sporting a “dingus” under all those clothes we see her wearing on ESPN) I don’t know, but I think all of this “negative” publicity she’s getting has increased the hits to her website. I don’t think that Playboy is going to make her turn in her crown for “America’s Sexiest Sportscaster” of 2007 and 2008. I tried in vain to find “a less than beautiful photo of her on the internet. (A difficult feat I might add)

Now I’m not trying to make light of Erin’s situation. I can only imagine the world disorder that would happen if my naked video would happen to come out. But seriously, I think she’ll be fine. I would assume that this can only heighten her chance of “three-peating” for Sexiest Sportscaster in 2009. This would, of course, potentially put her in line to become the “dynasty” for the first century of the new millennium.

The guy, whose name by the way is Michael David Barrett, will get his day in court. I’m sure in prison, after “high fiving” the majority of his fellow “orange clad buddies”, he will no doubt get a nice “book deal” and be able to retire peacefully on the coast of somewhere hot.

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